Theodore Burr Covered Bridge Society of Pennsylvania, Inc.

Monthly Business Meeting

Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church, Columbia, PA

Sunday, November 3, 2024 at 2:00pm


President Bob Kuether called the meeting to order at 2:00pm, welcomed everyone and led the Pledge of Allegiance. He noted copies of the October Meeting Minutes were available for review at the back table; these were approved later in the meeting, as presented.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Judy Kuether reported 240 members for 2024-2025 with 1 new member: Sandra Joy from Reading.



Tim McLaughlin – Tim and Connie saw Mercer’s Mill and Speakman Bridges.  They plan to travel to Erie County and attend the re-opening ceremony for Waterford Bridge #2, on November 15th.


Joe McCarthy – Joe reported on the following bridges: (1) Workers are ready to remove abutments at Rudolph and Arthur; many trees were cut down. (2) Knox has been repaired and is open; it has a new cedar-shake roof. (3) Joe’s workers did a 1-day repair at Forry’s Mill.  (4) He visited Green Sergeant’s, NJ and looked at the extensive repairs underneath. (5) Joe was contacted to repair Hughes and learned it may be moved. (6) Grant money for Kintersburg’s rehab is moving ahead; timbers are rotting badly. (7) He visited Ackley in Michigan (bridge originally in PA). (6) He will be involved in the ceremony for Hassenplug’s 200th anniversary since he worked on its’ rehab.


Ted Smith – Ted shared an article from Capital Gazette (Annapolis, MD); it encouraged a visit to see covered bridges and the colorful leaves. MD had 35 covered bridges in 1937; now 6 remain.



President Bob Kuether – Bob reported the Annual Executive Board meeting was held yesterday.  Dates were set for 2025 meetings, dinners (May 4 and Dec. 7 at Yoder’s Family Restaurant) and the picnic at Poole Forge, Sept. 7. Meetings will continue to be held at Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church, Columbia.


First Vice-President Jim Smedley – (1) Jim and Gloria traveled to Massachusetts in late October for the NSPCB Annual Dinner; 28 people attended at a cost of $30 (catered buffet). Along the way, they visited 1 bridge in MA (Ware-Gilbertville) and 5 bridges in CT (Comstock, Johnsonville, Barn Yard, Gold Mine and Worthington Pond). They also stopped by Bogert’s Bridge in Lehigh County and saw the posted rehab plans. (2) There was discussion at the Board meeting about the calendar contest. There are currently 5 members judging the photos; 3 more judges will be added. The judges do not know who took the photo and they cannot judge their own or their spouse’s photos. In 2024, 4 members who never had a photo in the calendar were included and in 2025, 3 more new members were included. Also, send Jim photos of current damage to a bridge.


Second Vice-President Ray Finkelstein – Not present. Jim Smedley shared Ray’s e-mail report.  Schlicher’s Bridge is to be repaired.  Ray will be presenting on November 14th at a local library on the “Lehigh Valley Bridges, Past and Present”.

Third Vice-President Frank Mailey – No report.


Fourth Vice-President Tony Abramo – Tony and Karen saw Neff’s Mill and Lime Valley Bridges; both are in good shape.  Tony is considering a mini-safari in 2025; let him know of any ideas.


Recording Secretary Pam Mailey – Pam shared about the bridges she and Frank saw in travelling with Jim and Gloria to MA and CT : (1) Ware looked nice with natural siding, green metal roof, and red portal with white trim; she noted a posted sign, “horses have the right of way”. (2) They could not get to Johnsonville; it was down an overgrown bank with no road or path found. (3) At Gold Mine, there was construction with moving of dirt and redirecting water; horses and stable were on grounds; a nice natural wood bridge. (4) Worthington had a winery on the grounds; an event had been on the bridge earlier, seeing white-cloth covered tables and lit chandeliers inside the bridge. (5) Barn Yard is a new, natural wood bridge.


Corresponding Secretary Pam Heisey – No report.


Treasurer Judy Kuether – No report.


Historian Fred Moll – Fred presented a program on “The Restoration of Dreibelbis Covered Bridge” on October 20th for the Historical Society of Kutztown (he gave out many rack cards).  Fred received a letter from PennDOT that an emergency order was issued to repair Schlichter’s Bridge.


NEWSLETTER EDITORS: Jim Smedley reported the deadline to submit information for the Winter Edition of PA Crossings Newsletter is Sunday, February 2, 2025.  He is seeking a volunteer to take over the Newsletter.


ILLNESS/DEATH OF MEMBERS: (1) Ray Finkelstein fell and is in the hospital for observation; he had some bleeding on the brain which has stopped. (2) Steve Wolfhope is recovering from hernia surgery. (3)  Jim and Gloria visited charter member Gladys Smith in the rehab center; she broke her foot when she fell so will have a long rehab. (4) Virginia (Ginny) Eyrich died October 24, 2024.



Poole Forge Decorating Bridge – Sunday, November 24th, at 12:00pm. Some will also address dues reminder cards and decorate Christmas card bags. 



Wooden Covered Spans – Ray Finkelstein has resigned as editor. Bob Kuether is seeking a member to take over this publication.


Safari 2025 – Jim and Gloria Smedley will lead the 2025 Safari.  They plan to go to WV in January to find a motel and drive a route.  Jim is not sure yet if it will be a 2 or 3 day safari. The likely date is September 13-14 or September 20-21, depending on motel availability.  Connie McLaughlin will be designing the T-shirt and patch again.


2025 Fundraisers – Bob Kuether shared the Board’s suggested fundraisers for 2025.  This will include a book and model silent auction at the March meeting, bake sales at April and November meetings, lunch/meeting at Hoss’s in July, Easter egg sales at March and April meetings, and The Popcorn Loft sale later in 2025.  A 50/50 raffle will be held at meetings, except when a bake sale.

Covered Bridge Recognitions – Bob Kuether shared notable anniversaries of some bridges in 2025: (1) Hassenplug, Union County will be 200 years old; it is the oldest drivable covered bridge in the US and the oldest standing in PA.  He would like TBCBSP to be involved with any celebration.  (2) Sheeder Hall in Chester County, Hollingshead in Columbia, Day in Washington County, Penitentiary in Union County and 3 bridges in Sullivan County (Forksville, Hillsgrove and Sonestown) all turn 175 years old.  Also, Josiah Hess and Knoebel’s in Columbia County and Waterford in Erie County turn 150 years old.


Presentations and Displays – Please advise Bob Kuether when you are presenting a program or setting up a display about covered bridges.  This information is needed to complete the Sales Tax Exemption Form and for The Year in Review presentation.


VETERANS RECOGNITION: Pam Mailey conducted a ceremony to honor those veterans who were present: Tina Conn, Navy; Don Gunzenhauser, Air Force; Bob Kuether, Army; Jim Smedley, Army Reserves; Ted Smith, Army and Reserves. Pam thanked them for their bravery/sacrifices in answering our nation’s call to duty and honored them with gratitude this Veteran’s Day.


COVERED BRIDGE ITEMS: (1) Tina Chandler shared a woven coaster with covered bridge, purchased at Good’s.  (2) Michael Chorazy shared a Philadelphia Inquirer article entitled “Living and Dying in Sullivan County”; it highlighted Forksville Bridge. (3) Connie read Sara Beth Kohut’s book, “Crossing Under Cover”; she enjoyed it and learned some new things.


PROGRAM TODAY:  “Covered Bridges of the Lower Susquehanna Valley Basin in 1954”.  A photo collection of Ellwood S. Grimm presented by Jim Smedley.


NEXT MEETING: Sunday, December 8th, Annual Christmas Dinner at Yoder’s Family Restaurant and Buffet. Gather at 11:00am with buffet meal at 11:30am (cost $23).


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 4:05pm.




Respectfully Submitted by Pam Mailey, Recording Secretary, November 24, 2024